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Maple Royals Accounts + Mesos and White Scrolls for Dreams MS

Good morning everyone, for reasons of cancellation of the game I put my accounts up for sale with a few months and they are the following:

Maple Royals:

  • Sed Mule 139 - 16k hp for HT and APQ ( 25 dollars )

  • SE mule 133 - 11K HP for ZK,krexel,HT ( 25 dollars ) (SOLD)

  • MM 200 - Archimage FP 200 ( same account )- 11k HP and 6k MP for more wash the MM, echo mule, HT, has MW 20, APQ, The archimage 1 hit petris skeles etc ( 150 dollars ) ( THE MM NO HAS ITEMS ONLY OVERALL, CROSSBOW, ZK HELMET, HT NECLEASE, RINGS )

  • HB mule 146 - 30k hp for ZK,HT,APQ,SHAO, is proyect for Auf but no work in the quest bored f3 ( 25 dollars )

  • Paladin 199 - 15K HP has 7 or 8k mp for more wash, has all quest for boss but not auf f3. ( 150 dollars) ( THE PALLY NO HAS ITEMS ONLY TOP AND BOTOM ,ZK HELMET, NARIKAIN AND RINGS )

  • Hero 135 - 12k HP has 4k MP for wash at 30k maybe, only has quest for zk and ht ( 40 dollars )

  • Hermit 70 - Only for APQ MULE HASTE f3. ( 15 dollars )

  • SI mule 146 - 30k HP, has quest all boss but not auf , ( 25 dollars )

  • BS 200 - 3K HP , has all quest for boss but not auf, apq mule and for lech ( 90 dollars )

  • ARCH IL 156 - Only for lech and APQ. ( 50 dollars)

Dream MS:

White Scrolls: 5 dollars each Got 50 WS or more idk

Note: Have vauchers for other persons buy me, contact me in discord: SoundGoodTheTrade#6904




Bump more avaible 59 ws for maple dreams ms :)



el problema es q eres muy lowballer , como un SE en mercado gringo puedes vender en 25$ , algun gringo te va a reportar no hagas eso , quiza si en el fb de royals latinos , en fin buena suerte
