I’m actively looking for the following:
- n/a
I no longer need:
22* Arcane Umbra Cape; 5.5-6L INT or equivalent, primed22* or higher Outlaw Heart22* or higher Endless Terror22* or higher Commanding Force Earring22* or higher Dreamy BeltMitra’s Rage: Magician (Seren Emblem)Royal Dunwitch Hat (CD reduction); mpot: 5-6s OR 4s + INT; flexible on bpot
Not listed in any particular order.
Where not specified, 5.5-6L INT and prime scrolls preferred but not strictly required.
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have something close to what I’m looking for but not quite an exact fit, I might be interested regardless depending on what you’re looking to get for it.
Also feel free to reach out if you have a piece of INT equipment not listed above that you think might be an upgrade for me (6L, double/triple primed, etc). These are lower priority than any of the above, but I’m always on the lookout for more INT.
Contact me either through here or on Discord (OrangeMushroom#9630).
To save us both time, include a screenshot of the item you’re wanting to sell and the price you’re looking to sell it for.