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MapleRoyals Meso $10/b

In Stock


I am an experienced GMS mass botter/currency seller since early 2019 and am have recently transitioned to Maple Royals services. I have completed over 100+ successful transactions with over 50+ satisfied clients.

Rates and Services

Maple Royals Meso - $11.00usd per 1b

Discounts for bulk purchases!


Payment Method

PayPal (Friends & Family preferred)


Contact Information

Discord : Psyren#7724

I do not use any other forms of communication other than discord.

Additional Information and Risks

MapleRoyals is extremely strict with their rules and guidelines including involvement with RWT which may lead to YOU being permanently banned from the game.

Due to this I will only trade in the safest means possible. In the circumstances that I feel that there is a decent likelihood of you being banned I would rather forego a sale than see you be banned.

By purchasing from me, you agree to these risks without me being responsible.