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S> Reboot NA, 276 Adele, 56k Stats, OG Email, Original Ownder, * ON RANKS * , All gear 22* including Arcanes, 22* Pitch item, 50b

High End Game avatar
- Original Owner of avatar
- OG Email

*** 276 Adele**
*** 8k Legion**
*** 56k Stats**
*** All gear 22* Including Arcanes**
*** 50b Meso**
*** 7 bossing mules**
*** 22* Pitch item **
***** End Game Items
Double primed items
High score Flames
Can solo all bosses up to BlackMage

Will be providing pictures privately if needed.
discord: Wispberry12#5504

s/b: 3k
a/w: 7.5k