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Scania / Reboot Account on rank

I lost interest in maplestory. i play apex and most AAA games

full information + personal email (original email) + security questions
never banned or whispered

Scania / reboot is ONE ACCOUNT!

https://imgur.com/a/tdZt1eS <—230 NL + equips + arcane (Scania)

https://imgur.com/a/3cu6fWt <— Legion (scania)

https://imgur.com/a/G0QD8G6 <—Scania
Scania 230 NL and 12 200 classes
12 links - done
5bil left
many ok-ok equips need psok

https://imgur.com/a/EuIm8nC <—Reboot
clean 2m-2m 205 NL
decent skills equips
meso% gears
12 links - done
6m left

pm your discord id first before you purchase. thanks