Hello, I have a lvl 250 NIGHT LORD with arcane weapon for sale
It is male character with bunch of perm nx and faces/hairs
Full info providedCharacter info:
Character is level 250 and on ranks never banned/whispered
Nice IGN
UPDATE - 45m range when self buffed (20m clean)
31K stat, all equips are 27% - 33% luk/allstat
Permanent pets
500 AF esfera and all symbols equipped
set of drop and meso gears
includes 120% meso kanna
Important node skills maxed, Maxed tri nodes for NL and some DB
Has all the decent skill nodes
Done all prequest
will update more later
any question or offers add me on discord.
jayzizzy#6660C/O: 700
paypal family/friend or pixel
Last edited: Today at 12:29 AM